Monday, March 22, 2010

Fertile Times are More Than Just Once a Month

2 Fertile times every menstrual cycle??

Most women watch their menstrual cycles and think that their mid cycle or biological ovulation is the best time to get pregnant. 

What they may not know is that...

the moon can trigger ovulation and bring on fertililty at any time during the menstrual cycle - including before, during and just after your period.
This is called natal lunar fertility. 

We have all heard stories of women falling pregnant at times other than their mid cycle ovulation.
Maybe you even know someone who swears that they did not have sex at their mid cycle time and yet they are pregnant. 

Or that they had sex during their period, a supposedly safe time and they are pregnant.
Francesa Naish from her book The Lunar Cycle (page 19 - 20) tells us
"Over and over in clinical use of the lunar phase cycle instances have occurred where this cycle seemingly explains otherwise puzzling phenomena. Conceptions have always been known to occur when medical tests of fertility claim they are totally or nearly impossible. These times include during menstruation, during pregnancy or on the Pill.
Many women feel sure they know when they have conceived, only to be told by doctors that they are mistaken. Ultrasounds often give results that show the progress of the pregnancy to be 1-2 weeks at variance with the expectations of the doctor.

Many women feel sure that they know when they ovulate, have regular cycles, and yet have conceived against their wishes. These conceptions occur at times when they are quite sure they are safe.

Doctors have traditionally felt that these instances result from the woman making a mistake of one kind or another, and doubtless many of them do. However it is also plausible that a further factor in fertility namely the lunar cycle, may be behind these seemingly 'erroneous' cases"

Ovulation - one time per cycle is wrong...

In 2003 a Canadian Newspaper carried the front-page headline news
"Ovulation: 'One time per cycle is wrong'... In a finding that left even the researchers 'flabbegasted', University of Sasketchewan scientists have found this pattern of follicular development actually occurs two to three separate times during a woman's menstrual cycle.

What's more, 40% of women have the biological potential to ovulate more than once during a cycle... the results help to explain for the first time why some women get pregnant while on birth control pills" (The Reluctant Hypothesis)

Scientific research has not worked out why conceptions can occur outside mid cycle ovulation but it has known for a long time that the moon has a direct effect on the reproductive cycles of many living creatures on Earth, triggering spawning, ovulation and mating in many species including us.

The Moon and its Effects on Female Fertility.

Conceive using the power of the moonIntuitively, women have always understood that the moon, their menstrual cycles and fertility are intimately connected.

In folk lore and ancient traditions the connections between the three are taken as fact.

Consider the following:
  • A healthily fertile woman's menstrual cycle runs its course in about twenty-nine days, one lunar cycle.

  • A standard healthy pregnancy runs for 42 weeks or 10 lunar months.

  • The relationship between the moon's cycles and menstruation is so fundamental. that the two phenomena are related linguistically. Our words, ‘menstruation,’ ‘moon,’ and ‘month,’ all come from the Greek word for ‘measure of time.’
Recent research has revealed that the pineal gland located in the brain is regulated by our exposure to sunlight, moon light and darkness.

It has been shown that whilst sunlight stimulates your body clock to produce its sleep / wake rhythm it is the moon which controls the function of the menstrual / fertility cycle.

In 2001 scientists at Jefferson Medical College clarified how the human eye uses light to regulate melatonin production.
They discovered an unique photoreceptor in the eye responsible for reacting to light and controlling the production of melatonin.
Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland during periods of darkness. Its secretion is then regulated via a signal from the optic nerve depending upon the level of moonlight detected by the eye.
Melatonin has been found to play a vital role in regulating our circadian or sleep / wake rhythms and melatonin levels rise and fall to regulate ovulation and the menstrual cycle.

Lunar Fertility Facts and History - The Jonas Method

Lunar Fertility History and The Jonas Method

The phenomenon of Lunar Fertility is all based on the re-discovery of the Natal Lunar Phase by Slovakian psychiatrist Dr Eugene Jonas in the 1950's. Living in a time and place where abortion was illegal, and the rhythm method the only method of contraception. Dr Jonas had to counsel many distressed women who were unintentionally pregnant. 

Dr Jonas sought to discover why the rhythm method had such a high failure rate. The rhythm method works (or doesn't work!) by counting days in your cycle of when you are most likely to be fertile based on your menstrual cycle history.

The rhythm method does not take into account mucus observation or changes and fluctuations of your cycle due to stress, sickness etc - this probably contributes to its high failure rate when used as the only means of contraception and a fairly 'hit and miss' result when aiming for conception. 

After researching the birth data of thousands of women Dr Jonas observed some astonishing patterns and put forward three rules governing conception.
  1. A woman is fertile each month at the same lunar phase under which she was born. That is, you are fertile at that time of your cycle when the moon is at the same lunar phase as when you were born - regardless of where that time falls within your menstrual cycle.

  2. The sex of a child is determined by the position of the moon at conception.

  3. The viability of a pregnancy and foetus is dependent upon the configuration of the nearer celestial bodies.
Dr Jonas continued to study and research these theories under a great deal of opposition and ridicule.
The scientific community had difficulty (and still does) coming to grips with Jonas' theories as they were based on astrology or cosmobiology. (Cosmobiology is concerned with the demonstrable and physiological effects of certain planetary bodies rather than the interpretation of symbology of the planets.)

Astra International Research Test Results

Astra International, a private clinic in Vienna became the leading exponents of the Lunar cycle theory. Researching Dr Jonas' single fertile time premise, Astra showed a success rate when used for contraception of 80 - 85% if abstinence is practiced only during lunar fertile times

Another doctor - Dr Kurt Rechnitz applied Dr Jonas' theories independently. Being a director of the first maternity clinic in Budapest, he was greatly interested in the possible patterns in the times of conception. 

Combining Dr Jonas first rule with knowledge of mid cycle or hormonal ovulation Dr Reichnitz developed the two fertile time rule. He used this two fertile time rule in research tests and produced an astonishing 98% success rate when used for birth control. Compare this to success rates of other common forms of birth control - condoms 93% - 98%, The Pill 93 - 99%, Diaphragm 80 - 97%. 

In 1970, Astra's scientific board evaluated the results of a survey done by 1252 women using the two fertile time method for conception - the success rate was 97.7%. 

Whether it is used to avoid or achieve pregnancy it is a valuable non-invasive tool that all women can use to improve their fertility management.

To increase your chances of conception the natal lunar phase fertile time can be used in two ways.
  1. By synchronising your mid-cycle ovulation to your natal lunar fertile time, you have a doubly charged fertile window of opportunity.

  2. Having two fertile times per cycle provides you with two opportunities to conceive.

What are the Basics of lunar Fertility?

Lunar Fertility Basics

The phenomenon of Lunar Fertility is all based on the re-discovery of the Natal Lunar Phase by Slovakian psychiatrist Dr Eugene Jonas in the 1950's. Living in a time and place where abortion was illegal, and the rhythm method the only method of contraception. Dr Jonas had to counsel many distressed women who were unintentionally pregnant. 

Dr Jonas sought to discover why the rhythm method had such a high failure rate, and after researching the birth data of thousands of women he observed some astonishing patterns. 

To help make sense of the data he was seeing, Dr Jonas's interest in astrology led him to ancient writings from Babylon and Assyria which stated that...

“women are fertile during a certain phase of the moon”
...But which phase of the moon?
Through further research, study and calculation he discovered that the lunar phase at which a woman was fertile depended on the relationship between the sun and the moon at the moment she was born.

You are fertile at that time of your cycle when the moon is at the same lunar phase as when you were born.
This is called your Natal Lunar Phase.

More About Your "Natal Lunar Phase"

The term "lunar phase" simply refers to the angle between the sun and the moon. It has nothing to do with the moons zodiac sign.

You're already familiar with some phases - for example, New moon, Crescent moon, Full moon etc. This diagram illustrates the moon's monthly journey:

diagram showing the journey of the moon throguh its phases
This diagram shows the moon moving through its phases each month - you are fertile each month when the moon returns to the same phase as it was at your birth. This is your INDIVIDUAL and PERSONAl lunar fertile time. 

Each individual is born under a particular moon or lunar phase and so were you.
Here's the important part...

Each month when the moon returns to this same position, it can trigger your body to spontaneously ovulate, even if this time occurs outside your normal mid-cycle fertile time
Now it may not always do this, but the potential is there.

Furthermore - the moon's trigger effect is increased by two factors - stress and sexual intercourse.
That is, if you are having sex during your natal lunar phase, the chances of ovulation being triggered are increased. And multiple sexual play at this time further increases this risk.

If you're trying to conceive you can use this "trigger" function to your advantage. 

That's because you experience heightened fertility when your mid-cycle ovulation is synchronized with your natal lunar fertile phase. By synchonizing the two cycles in this way, you mazimize your chances of getting pregnant.

How To Use This Information To Get Pregnant

You can use this information to help you conceive if you know when your lunar fertile times are occuring. These are the times when you should aim to have intercourse to maximize your chances of conception. 

The problem is, calculating your own lunar fertile phase involves quite a bit of "number-crunching" and it's easy for the inexperienced to make mistakes. 

As an essential foundation of your Conception Action Pack - I personally do all the calculations for you, and present you with a individualized report, including the exact dates of your peak lunar fertile times for the next 12 months

This way, you can be absolutely certain that the information you are using is completely accurate so you can make the most of the limited conception opportunities that you have each menstrual cycle.

Learn more about what's in the Conception Action Pack or
Learn more about Lunar Fertility History.